Logo Donfoster

Tools and Special Machines

DON FOSTER develops and manufactures production tooling for his customers, for the company of REXIAA GROUP and for his own production needs.
These developments enable our teams to offer solutions to the problems encountered and improvements in the productivity, quality and ergonomics of the project we are handling together.
Our control equipment enables us to test the resistance and finish of your parts and to ensure an optimal result.


Examples of tooling

Bending and stamping (alloys) for fine sheet metal work.

Moulds and cutting supports CN for composite parts.

ZEISS SPECTRUM 3D measuring machine.

MITUTOYO 3D measuring machine.

TESA SCAN 3D measuring machine for cylindrical parts.
ROMER arm with integrated scanner.

Measuring column.
MITUTOYO instruments.
Control models.


Logo Donfoster

ZI le Coquet - Rue de la Prat
03260 Seuillet

Téléphone : +33 (0)4 70 58 03 08
Fax : +33 (0)4 70 58 17 58

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